Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Bismillahhirahmanirahim, Today is my birthday!  My 25 birthday.  Alhamdulillah Allah for the long live and experiences.  Terima Kasih Mama for fighting to give birth to me 25 years ago.  Now it is 25 years ago,,  cannot run from the numbers anymore.  

The purpose I am writing this early on morning is to compliment and praise myself for gettin all the way until today.  dear self,, you really have worked hard on your ways. I compliment you.  you are heartwarming,  you are sensible,  you are not straight like what they said cause your fighter spirit is always ready to defend yourself up.  You are good with your burning flames.  You are wise and intelligent and you really had learnt so many things despites all the struggles. Ans that is what make me proud of myself. you learnt how to calm your ego,  how to wait for others,  how to not treat others,  how to living with other.  You learnt all of thats slowly.  

To me that is matter.  Allah  show it slowly to you so you can cope. You are tough even when you said you arr not. you are good and awesome even when you try to deny it everytime.  

You are yourself superhero!  Keep going and keep on living with that flames.  I will rooting myself and force myself up.  Happy birthday to my dear self.  and enjoy the day today with your own philosophies.  Love from yourself๐Ÿ’—๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ

treat myself to good clothes and of course tapau mama with some other good foods.  They dont give,  you persuade .  hahahaha

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Ilebiuuu la <3