Thursday, August 29, 2019



Dengar cerita Atok petang tadi buat aku sedar; bukan senang kita nak gapai kemerdekaan macam yang kita dah kecapi sekarang.

Freedom is a vague word that you need to study more.TOLERANCE is what you need to always keep within yourself and stay alert  

merdeka kita hari ini sebab orang dulu2 dah merasa derita, 

merdeka kita harini sebab orang dulu2 dah lelah berkeringat pertahankan negara

celupar kita harini sebab orang dulu2 dah puas tahan diri dipaksa kunci mulut mereka.

Jadi perkara paling kecil kita boleh buat untuk pertahankan KEMERDEKAAN kita adalah dengan sentiasa MENGINGATI SEJARAH KITA

the ones who dont remember their history will never make it forward. once said by a scholar. 

So for self note : jangan kamu terkinja-terkinja meraikan kebebasan jika kamu masih belum dapat terima SEJARAH kita, jangan kamu rasa kamu bebas jika kamu sewenang-wenang campur adukkan perkara yang bukan HAK kamu. 

Minda yang bebas bukan bermaksud kamu boleh buat apa sahaja, tetapi minda yang bebas adalah, 

minda yang dapat harmonikan diri sendiri dan bersikap tolenrasi antara satu sama lain . 

Jangan rasis 
Jangan lebar sgt mulut
Jangan claim suka hati 
Jangan cepat sentap
Jangan lemah ditindas

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Two best deals are not created when somebody loses the deal

Fuxking that psychology thingy when you only know how to scam people by hitting the lowest point of themselves.

  • You can clearly said someone like that cause you know they are weak

Stop manipulating others by stating your fake conditions

Do not try to persuade someone for your own personal interest. They dont like you. Obviously.

Never overboard. Some might thinks you as a friend, but someone might limit their life circle cause you are not inportant. in an easy way, they are not thinking of you as a friend

Just so you know;you are not being 
considerate when you hit the lowest point ifof someone

Monday, August 12, 2019

Hello Lover !

The first time I saw you, I tried to deny my heart that you are not the one I am looking for. You seems like others at one glance but it is a relief when I finally found someone who is similar to me .

By others i mean  someone who is only looking for the outer appearance and never care about idividuals personality first. You know how someone can be charming in their own way.

When you love someone, it is hard stop;
When your heart longing for someone;
there is nothing else you could do beside thinking of him.
You will be thinking what to do with him, whay enjoyful activities you can do with him? What food should you guys enjoys together?
And when the love go deeper, you guys would want to think about your future.

When the love is hot itself; the world is yours.
Nothing can stop you from loving each other
The love is overflowed.
Making sweet memories together,
Walking the flowery path together.
Be there to each other forever..

The most unforgetable memories was when you and I making sweet memories together.
At that moment, all the pain washed away like a flowing river. I remembered, you bring the innerjoy of myself out. I was thankful for that. really.

I hope this longing feeling could stay together for us. You are similar to me, and I am similar to you. the differences between us  are not a barrier yet they bonded us strong.

You are my family, you are my lover. You are my husband. Wherever you are right now, just know that I am here writing this love letter for you to cherished.

Last night, I had a dreamed. sweet dreamed that you came to me and cherished me. Our love is protected and I believe when the time is come, we both can be together again.I was wondering, where are you right now and what are you doing?.

Till then, keep praying that we will be together in this life journey,
Till then, keep praying so that both of us can be happy and useful for someone else first. 

I'll look forward how the future will be for us.
Your future lover

foot note : thanks for coming into my dream last night. please come always and I will remember each moment we be together. salute !